Thursday, August 4, 2011

Deni playground: Decent but minimal option in Frankford

Playground: Deni
Location: Leiper & Church (also an entrance on Leiper and Ruan)
Date visited: 8/4/11
  • Playset for smaller kids (on the small side): platform-style, with 3 ladders and 2 slides
  • Playset for bigger kids: platform-style, with 4 ladders and 1 metal slide (with many dents), plus a fire pole and a slightly slanted 6-foot climbing wall
  • 2 bucket swings, 4 strap swings
Ages: 1-1/2 to 8 yrs
Surface: rubberized in playzones
Shade(0-3): 0
Water: No
Other: 6 basketball courts (with a sloped side), baseball field
Access: Unclear -- the whole zone is surrounded by high fences, with gates on two sides that could be locked. Didn't see posted hours -- was open at 10:30 AM on a summer Wednesday

Impressions: Playsets are on the minimal side, and showing some wear. The overall location is a fairly appealing open space, though more concrete than foliage (except for the baseball field). The basketball courts seem to have been refurbished fairly recently: new paint on the courts, nice lights for night play. The playground could use similar love.
Overall rating: 6

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